Shedding Your Baggage
March 21, 2012The Perfect Hosts
March 27, 2012Good Food Writing—What Is It?
Just last week, I heard from a fellow member of the culinary tribe, Pete Dulin, requesting an email interview. Pete is a food writer and photographer based in Kansas City, and he sent me a host of questions that get at the very heart of what it means to write about food today, in an age of instant Yelp reviews, Twitter parodies of restaurant critics, niche food blogs, and Facebook posts about what people ate for dinner.
As someone who”s taught food-writing classes at the Institute for Culinary Education and served as a judge for various journalism awards (both food- and non-food-related), it”s not the first time I”ve thought about these issues, but Pete”s questions forced me to examine and express my opinions in a more coherent way. Even Alla videopoker-spel bidrar 10 % och alla versioner av Blackjack, Roulette och Pontoon bidrar till 2 %. if you don”t agree with me, I hope you”ll enjoy reading the piece. And as always, please feel free to post your thoughts in the comments section, below, as well as on Pete”s blog. This article is part of a series that he plans to run, so if you”re interested in the topic, check back with his site in the future or subscribe to his e-newsletter.